On Friday 4th February 2022 we started to gather at The Buccleuch Arms Hotel in Moffat for our annual get together. The hotel belongs to 9410 Dave SMITH and his wife WP 256 Yvonne SMITH; who very kindly opened their premises to us for the weekend.
Friday afternoon and evening we met in the bar to greet arriving members…In the evening we went out and found various take away’s which we brought back to the hotel to eat. The Chippy around the corner and the Indian across the road did very good business that night. The food was good.
Saturday morning after a brilliant breakfast we went out sightseeing and shopping and met up in the bar after lunch. The afternoon was divided up into watching the Rugby and having a few drinks. I am happy to report that Scotland won the Rugby and retained the Calcutta Cup.
The evening meal at the hotel was a buffet with a superb spread of food – steak pie, boerewors, chicken, pork ribs, fish pie; and the pudding was really nice as well.
Between the main course and the pudding we took a break
Rob Minchin thanked Dave and his staff for looking after us. thanked our members for attending this function and toasted ‘The Regiment and all who served in her’. Also during this break we did the raffle draw raising £205 for the Scottish Region’s contingency fund.
The following attended this meeting:-
5907 Peter WILSON (Senior Man)
6507 Seamus POWER.
7264 Gordon BEST.
7490 Peter SMITH.
8097 David QUILLIAM and Sharon QUILLIAM.
8307 Flash FIRTH and Jeanette McMEEKEN.
8405 Rob MINCHIN and Karen MINCHIN.
8441 Rob McDONALD and Kath McDONALD
9019 Al KENNEDY and Lulu KENNEDY.
9079 Tony STRUGNELL.
9086 Tony GRANGER (Almoner).
9345 Jock GEMMELL.
9410 Dave SMITH and WP256 Yvonne SMITH. (our hosts)
9448 Jim MANN
9933 Tom STEYL.
90566 Chris TATE and our BSAP Treasurer Helen TATE.
902649 Alan LEIGHTON and Kym LEIGHTON.
Shirley LESLIE (civilian guest).
Paddy ALLEN (widow of 6743 Bruce ALLEN).
Sunday morning after another excellent breakfast we headed home, having had a very entertaining weekend with plenty of time to catch up with long lost friends and colleagues.
The next Annual Scottish Gathering will be over the weekend of the 19th to 21st May 2023 at The Buccleuch Arms Hotel, Moffat. Bookings to Rob Minchin at robertminchin@hotmail.co.uk
8441 RM