The history of the BSAP complements the history of Rhodesia. The UK Branch launched an immense project to gather, record and preserve the history of the BSAP so that future generations will know we were there and are proud to have been so.Work so far includes:
- Lodging material in the National Army Museum and Rhodes Library, Oxford;
- erecting a permanent memorial to the BSAP,
- placing the Roll of Honour in the Arboretum chapel at the NMA, Staffordshire and holding an annual Memorial Service at the site;
- creating the BSAP Digital Library (an online compendium of all BSAP magazines produced from 1911;
- producing and publishing the Books of the BSAP series (21 volumes) taking part in the UK’s Oral History
Project; - attending the Annual Service of Remembrance every November at Westminster and in Moffat, Scotland.
In addition a great deal of historical research has been carried out by 8646 Andrew Field (along with a number of other former members) and there are a number of historical links from this site to www.bsapolice.org Andrew has been running his site for the past 30 odd years.
Our numbers dwindle now and fade
Will history prove a mark we made?
I doubt we’ll merit but a line
Just memories, which are yours and mine
But in our hearts we thought it right
To make a place for Black and White
Our cause thought just, our spirits strong
Oh History, can you prove us wrong?
Let men deride and have no care
We can with pride state, “I was there…”
5483 Dave Blacker